Today in the Second World War

The 14th of December

Welcome to today's edition, where we turn our attention to December 14, a day significant in the vast narrative of World War II. This date encapsulates a range of critical developments, from strategic military operations to impactful diplomatic decisions, alongside the poignant experiences of individuals who shaped and were shaped by these events. Our exploration today aims to offer a comprehensive view of these occurrences, illuminating their impact on the course of the war and their enduring influence on the fabric of contemporary history. Join us as we delve into the intricate details of December 14, bringing to life the stories and decisions that define this important day in World War II.

"They’re overfed, overpaid, overdressed... and over here" - Anonymous


1937: Japanese 9th Division began to conduct mop up operations in secured areas of Nanjing, China, occupying, among other buildings, the National Central Hospital. Nearby, at Xianhe Gate and Yaohua Gate of the city wall north of Zijin Mountain, 38th Company of the Japanese 16th Division killed 7,200 Chinese people, military and civilian, during mop up operations; those who were able to flee claimed that some sections of the moat were filled with dead bodies. Near Xuanwu Gate, troops of the Japanese 16th Division executed 500 Chinese civilians. Second Lieutenant Nakamura of the 6th Cavalry Company of the Japanese 6th Division executed 300 prisoners of war. As reported by the International Committee later, Japanese troops entered civilian homes in Nanjing and raped or took away women.

Head of a Chinese man who was decapitated by Japanese placed on a barricade near Nanjing, China, 14 Dec 1937

Photo of the Day

Troops of the Japanese 15th Army preparing to cross into Burma, late Dec 1941

As we bring to a close our exploration of December 14 in World War II, we thank you for your keen interest and participation. Today's journey through history has brought to life the strategic maneuvers and personal sagas that defined this day during the war. We hope these insights have deepened your understanding of the complexities of this era and its lasting impact. Join us again tomorrow as we continue to traverse the rich tapestry of World War II, uncovering the stories that have shaped our past and continue to influence our present.

If you ever have any recommendations feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]

Have a great week :)

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